Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Summer time

We spent most of the day outside. It was finally warm and not windy at the same time! I planted four tomato plants, some herbs and flowers in my pots. I also watered everything thoroughly.

one of my pots

I got to go to the garden center by myself so I was able to browse. I love these little hen and chicks plants so I got one to try in the yard.

A few things have died over the 5 or so years since we landscaped the front yard. Mostly things that were here when we purchased the house. I bought mostly low water usage plants so anything that requires a lot of water has died.

It was a milestone day for the boy. He was finally able to climb up into the aspen tree.

This is the tree.

Aspens are not the best climbing trees, but ...

Goldie watched over us all day and seems to approve.

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